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About Us

Amrita Racing was formed in the year 2009 , by a group of 25 young and dedicated B.Tech Mechanical Engineering students of Amrita Vishwa Vishapeetham to design, manufacture test and tune their own All Terrain Vehicle and compete with the finest universities in the country. We started with the objective of bringing together those brains which are diligently working on a myriad of inventive technologies, and to provide them with a forum for free exchange of ideas and expose them to the latest innovations in terms of automotive engineering.We are proud to have participated in
BAJA SAE INDIA 2020,2019,2018,2017,2016,2014,2013,2011,2009
       ESI                      2020,2019
       BAJA USA            2012
Amrita Racing has improved leaps and bounds over the years since its inception in 2009. With its participating in the indigeneous competitions and also featuring an international appearance in the US BAJA in 2012, the team has continually strived towards innovation and optimising the performance of the ATV. We are committed to our pursue the most innovative and cutting edge tecnology to fabricate our vehicle. The most important part is we have knowledge and lessons learnt from mistakes passed on from senior teams to junior teams. This is what makes us unique! Today, we are gearing up for BAJA SAE INDIA 2021 and ESI 2021, looking forward for the challenge ahead! With us, EXPERIENCE ENGINEERING INNOVATION!


Why Choose Us?

Well, here's why! 


Over the years, globalization has struck the world as a revolutionary catalytic expedient of technology, but also bringing with it a barrage of blemishes that includes the ever looming threat of being snowballed by global warming. India, being a developing country with booming markets and industries is no exception to this trend. Hence it is imperative that we adopt a more diligent and holistic approach towards cleaner alternatives in power generation.

We at Team Amrita Racing ordain that sustainable  development is the quintessential pivot where every new innovation must be founded on. In doing our part to the environment, we have taken up the task to construct an indigenously designed catalytic converter to help reduce emission of harmful gases . The catalytic converter is an indispensable part of our design to achieve our green initiative. We are proud to be presenting our progressive design and implementing the same in our endeavour.

 Amrita Racing profusely believes that what we take, we must give back. And our innovation is our way of showering gratitude to Mother Nature for all her fruits and bounties. We hope we succeed in our aspiration to be leaders and to set the benchmark for the other teams in this regard.

Make and Made In Amrita 

We manufacture almost everything at Amrita save for the custom made components. This gives us experience and we get to learn about our vehicle inside out. We are hugely indebted to Amrita for its infrastructure and facilities.

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To be a part of our 2021 team, click the link below for online registration. Link: Last date for submission of registration forms: 6th March 2017 Syllabus: Aptitude and basic technical questions in automobile engineering.